Guilty By Association
If we’re going to be salt and light in this world, Jesus is calling us to drop our fear of being guilty by association. A few stories from my experience illustrate this well.
SUNDAYS @ 10:30 AM We believe that God created each person in His image and that they are deeply loved by Him. We live and preach the Gospel of Jesus that calls people from any background to a full life in Him, free from sin and mind poverty (which is the worst kind of poverty).
If we’re going to be salt and light in this world, Jesus is calling us to drop our fear of being guilty by association. A few stories from my experience illustrate this well.
Our mission is to provide every man, woman, and child in the Seneca-Babcock area with repeated opportunities to hear the gospel message and see it lived out in the lives of authentic Christ followers. What is an Adopt-a-Block Outreach Program? It’s door-to-door evangelism with a focus on servanthood. If you show someone that you’re willing to weed their flowerbed…
Is your church a “in” church, a “to” church, or a “with” church? Now I’ve got your curiosity going, please read on.
Shalom spent two weeks serving at Steps. Read his account of his time here.
Check out pictures of our epic mural!
How is pot legalization affecting inner-city kids?
I wrote this article a few years ago. It was relevant then, but I’d like to re-share it because I think it’s still relevant now. We’ve never had a time (since I came to America in 2005) that more people are needing help. In 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a lot of people to have to ask for…
Stay safe! It’s a cute little phrase that’s been going around lately. Variations of this phrase are “be safe” and “stay home, stay healthy”. This and other similar expressions are spreading infectiously because of the Covid-19 pandemic that has shaken the whole world in recent months. While I’m not against common sense, PPE and quarantines, I am quite nauseated…
When 2020 started, who would have thought we would be where we are right now. A nation crippled by a virus. Countless people are affected by this either by knowing a person with the virus, having school at home, having to cancel graduations and activities, having hours cut at work, or worse, loss of employment and the list goes…
by Aaron BellevilleArt by Gary L Wolfe Two ways of defining the gospel As Christians, we’re all familiar with the word “gospel”. It is the core of everything we believe. But, as I’ve come to realize in the past couple of years, we all have a slightly different idea of what the term means. The Church at large is…
“Steps is very educational and exciting! I go there every Friday and the people that work there are very nice and caring.”
“Please know that the food we receive is real help. The ministries of Steps are truly appreciated.”
“My son did not believe in God but now he does. I believe that every youth troubled or not should visit the Steps Program!“
“Steps is all about loving people where they’re at. They see the greatness in people and call it out.”
“I love Steps, they reach out to show the kids there is hope and a purpose for their lives through Jesus!”
“I was like, ‘pray for me, what is that gonna do?’ But what Ben did for me really kinda changed my life.”
If we’re going to be salt and light in…
Our mission is to provide every man, woman, and…
Is your church a “in” church, a “to” church,…