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Adopt-a-Block with Steps Ministries

Our mission is to provide every man, woman, and child in the Seneca-Babcock area with repeated opportunities to hear the gospel message and see it lived out in the lives of authentic Christ followers. What is an Adopt-a-Block Outreach Program? It’s door-to-door evangelism with a focus on servanthood. If you show someone that you’re willing to weed their flowerbed…

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Seneca Babcock Ministries: Covid 19 Report

COVID-19 Report - Seneca Babcock Ministries

When 2020 started, who would have thought we would be where we are right now.  A nation crippled by a virus. Countless people are affected by this either by knowing a person with the virus, having school at home, having to cancel graduations and activities, having hours cut at work, or worse, loss of employment and the list goes…

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$4,000 Matching Challenge

$4,000 Matching Challenge - Steps Ministries

We’re upping our goal So…we’ve decided to up our goal from $10,000 to $12,000. “Why would you do that during Covid-19?!” I hear you ask. Here’s why. Firstly, a generous couple have decided to match every donation to Steps in the next two weeks up to $4,000! Having raised $4,500 already, all we need is a further $4,000 and…

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BUG Journal 2019

before long the beds looked like popsicle stick forests!

BUG – Day 1 Aaron and I started BUG – Building Urban Growers, with much anticipation and prayer. To us, this is more than just a program – it is shaping a generation.  Day 1 of our co-ed program is exclusively girls, six of them! We kicked off with painting stars to stick in the ground on their dedicated…

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A Fresh Look For Steps On The Web!

Screen shot of front page

As some of you may know, I have been learning web design since September! This is my first real project. I’ve given the Steps site a whole new look and (more importantly) brought it into the modern age with cross device responsiveness. This website is fully accessible on any device! I hope you enjoy it and let me know…

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